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Short trip to the Black Forest
The starting point is Schwäbisch Gmünd, the oldest Staufer town. It is the oldest attested medieval town founding in Württemberg. Many witnesses from this time still characterize the city today. Market square, St. John's Church, Münster, St. Salvator (rock chapel and Stations of the Cross), Prediger (museum) or the Ott-Pausersche factory (silverware museum) are some of the stops that also justify a stay of several days. The State Horticultural Show 2014 also had a lasting impact on the cityscape and the surrounding area. The "heavenly garden" with the "heavenly striker" are impressive witnesses of this. After a visit to the site, a walk through the forest along the "ball track" down to the "Erdenreich" is a good idea.
Attention: The parking space situation in Schwäbisch Gmünd has changed.
Information can be found at: https://www.gmuender-baeder.de/wohnmobilhafen.html

The starting point is Schwäbisch Gmünd, the oldest Staufer town. It is the oldest attested medieval town founding in Württemberg. Many witnesses from this time still characterize the city today. Market square, St. John's Church, Münster, St. Salvator (rock chapel and Stations of the Cross), Prediger (museum) or the Ott-Pausersche factory (silverware museum) are some of the stops that also justify a stay of several days. The State Horticultural Show 2014 also had a lasting impact on the cityscape and the surrounding area. The "heavenly garden" with the "heavenly striker" are impressive witnesses of this. After a visit to the site, a walk through the forest along the "ball track" down to the "Erdenreich" is a good idea.
Attention: The parking space situation in Schwäbisch Gmünd has changed.
Information can be found at: https://www.gmuender-baeder.de/wohnmobilhafen.html
In Bad Ditzenbach, among other things, it is worth visiting the St. Bernhard herb house with its diverse range of natural products. Of course you can also visit the thermal baths. A simple parking space is nearby.
In Bad Ditzenbach, among other things, it is worth visiting the St. Bernhard herb house with its diverse range of natural products. Of course you can also visit the thermal baths. A simple parking space is nearby.
On the way, the Wurmling Chapel greets you (detour?).

A short detour to Ruine "Hohenneuffen" is always appropriate. When the weather is clear, the view is fantastic.
A short detour to Ruine "Hohenneuffen" is always appropriate. When the weather is clear, the view is fantastic.
If you bring a lot of time (and money) with you, you could stop in the Rolf Benz outlet. Otherwise, follow the Nagoldtal and the former narrow-gauge railway (Altensteigerle - now a bike path) towards Freudenstadt.
If you bring a lot of time (and money) with you, you could stop in the Rolf Benz outlet. Otherwise, follow the Nagoldtal and the former narrow-gauge railway (Altensteigerle - now a bike path) towards Freudenstadt.
Losing words about Freudenstadt's market place (very worth seeing) is like carrying owls to Athens. A stop is always worthwhile. Also, when the weather is nice, you should not miss the Ellbachsee view in Kniebis. A part of the Black Forest High Road then goes deeper into the Black Forest.

Losing words about Freudenstadt's market place (very worth seeing) is like carrying owls to Athens. A stop is always worthwhile. Also, when the weather is nice, you should not miss the Ellbachsee view in Kniebis. A part of the Black Forest High Road then goes deeper into the Black Forest.
You should have seen Germany's highest waterfalls in Triberg! Foaming and roaring, the water of the Gutach falls 163 m. On the paths along the seven fall levels you will experience a magnificent natural spectacle that can be experienced all year round. A short walk down the main street is also interesting (watches). Above the entrance to the waterfalls, there is a bus parking lot with camper parking spaces right on the street.
You should have seen Germany's highest waterfalls in Triberg! Foaming and roaring, the water of the Gutach falls 163 m. On the paths along the seven fall levels you will experience a magnificent natural spectacle that can be experienced all year round. A short walk down the main street is also interesting (watches). Above the entrance to the waterfalls, there is a bus parking lot with camper parking spaces right on the street.
Whether you interrupt your journey in Titisee at the bathing paradise (parking space) depends on the mood and the urge to move. We drove towards Feldberg. In Bärental it is worth visiting the "Schnapshäusle" before continuing to Altglashütte to the parking space at the train station. With us it was overcrowded, so that we had a very quiet night at the Feldberghalle shortly before (no infrastructure).

Whether you interrupt your journey in Titisee at the bathing paradise (parking space) depends on the mood and the urge to move. We drove towards Feldberg. In Bärental it is worth visiting the "Schnapshäusle" before continuing to Altglashütte to the parking space at the train station. With us it was overcrowded, so that we had a very quiet night at the Feldberghalle shortly before (no infrastructure).
If you have enough time, you should consider a hike to the Feldberg tower. With the mobile you have to park at the pass.
If you have enough time, you should consider a hike to the Feldberg tower. With the mobile you have to park at the pass.
The trip from Feldberg is curvy and offers beautiful views. The waterfalls in Todtnau are worthwhile. You can easily reach the upper entrance on the route to Todtnauberg - a nice walk.

The trip from Feldberg is curvy and offers beautiful views. The waterfalls in Todtnau are worthwhile. You can easily reach the upper entrance on the route to Todtnauberg - a nice walk.

If you fancy a (easy) hike, drive through the town towards the youth hostel. The mobile can be parked above the hiking car park Radschert and the activities are "no longer in the way".
If you fancy a (easy) hike, drive through the town towards the youth hostel. The mobile can be parked above the hiking car park Radschert and the activities are "no longer in the way".

Be sure to plan time when the weather is nice. The trip down to Freiburg by gondola is certainly worth considering. Then it goes back down into the valley via the former race track.

Be sure to plan time when the weather is nice. The trip down to Freiburg by gondola is certainly worth considering. Then it goes back down into the valley via the former race track.
Freiburg is always worth a visit. On Saturdays you shouldn't miss the market around Münster - all a question of time :-))

Freiburg is always worth a visit. On Saturdays you shouldn't miss the market around Münster - all a question of time :-))
The parking space in Breisach is well attended. A factory tour at Geldermann (sparkling wine) is informative and worthwhile. In addition, the old town has a special charm.
The parking space in Breisach is well attended. A factory tour at Geldermann (sparkling wine) is informative and worthwhile. In addition, the old town has a special charm.
Europapark - do you have to say anything else? Parking space!
Europapark - do you have to say anything else? Parking space!
If you are not necessarily dependent on a parking space or the appropriate infrastructure, you should also pay attention to the "Rhine" signs. There are places right on the shore that are suitable for overnight stays.

If you are not necessarily dependent on a parking space or the appropriate infrastructure, you should also pay attention to the "Rhine" signs. There are places right on the shore that are suitable for overnight stays.
The parking situation for womos in Baden Baden is modest. If you still want to visit the city (worthwhile), you should use the Hubertusstraße parking space (48 ° 46 ′ 56 ″ N; 8 ° 12 ′ 14 ″ E; bus stop within walking distance).

The parking situation for womos in Baden Baden is modest. If you still want to visit the city (worthwhile), you should use the Hubertusstraße parking space (48 ° 46 ′ 56 ″ N; 8 ° 12 ′ 14 ″ E; bus stop within walking distance).
We actually wanted to go to Bad Wildbad right away. Unfortunately (but in retrospect great) the junction was blocked. We "had to" follow the course of the Murg - wonderful ride! In this case, a detour to the Schwarzenbachtalsperre is mandatory.
We actually wanted to go to Bad Wildbad right away. Unfortunately (but in retrospect great) the junction was blocked. We "had to" follow the course of the Murg - wonderful ride! In this case, a detour to the Schwarzenbachtalsperre is mandatory.
Via Baiersbronn (star gastronomy) and (if you want) a detour to the Nagold dam, the route now leads to the Hermann Hesse city of Calw
Via Baiersbronn (star gastronomy) and (if you want) a detour to the Nagold dam, the route now leads to the Hermann Hesse city of Calw
Be sure to plan a stop and stroll through the old town. The rest of the route was "only" a transport stage to the starting point. A stopover in Waiblingen (old town) or Schorndorf is conceivable.
Be sure to plan a stop and stroll through the old town. The rest of the route was "only" a transport stage to the starting point. A stopover in Waiblingen (old town) or Schorndorf is conceivable.
Attention: The parking situation in Schwäbisch Gmünd has changed.
Information can be found at: https://www.gmuender-baeder.de/wohnmobilhafen.html
Attention: The parking situation in Schwäbisch Gmünd has changed.
Information can be found at: https://www.gmuender-baeder.de/wohnmobilhafen.html
Show newest first- 48.8047 9.8136
- 48° 48' 17" N 9° 48' 49" E
- 48.5869 9.6997
- 48° 35' 12.9" N 9° 41' 58.9" E
In Bad Ditzenbach lohnt es sich unter Anderem das Kräuterhaus St. Bernhard mit seinem vielfältigen Angebot an Naturprodukten zu besuchen. Natürlich kann man ebenso der Therme einen Besuch abstatten. Ein einfacher Stellplatz befindet sich ganz in der Nähe.
- 48.5618 9.6236
- 48° 33' 42.4" N 9° 37' 25" E
Unterwegs grüßt die Wurmlinger Kapelle (Abstecher?).
- 48.5561 9.3756
- 48° 33' 22.1" N 9° 22' 32.2" E
Ein kurzer Abstecher zu Ruine "Hohenneuffen" ist immer angebracht.Bei klarem Wetter ist die Aussicht fantastisch.
- 48.5474 8.7235
- 48° 32' 50.7" N 8° 43' 24.5" E
Wer viel Zeit (und Geld) mitbringt, könnte einen Zwischstopp im Outlett von Rolf Benz einlegen. Ansonsten dem Nagoldtal und der ehemaligen Schmalspurbahn (Altensteigerle - heute ein Radweg) in Richtung Freudenstadt folgen.
- 48.4645 8.418
- 48° 27' 52.1" N 8° 25' 4.8" E
Über den Marktplatz von Freudenstadt (sehr sehenswert) Worte zu verlieren ist wie Eulen nach Athen tragen. Ein Stopp lohnt immer. Ebenso sollte man sich bei schönenm Wetter den Ellbachseeblick in Kniebis nicht entgehen lassen. Über einen Teil der Schwarzwaldhochstraße geht es dann tiefer in den Schwarzwald.
- 48.1302 8.2324
- 48° 7' 48.6" N 8° 13' 56.8" E
Deutschands höchste Wassefälle in Triberg sollten Sie gesehen haben! Schäumend und tosend stürzt das Wasser der Gutach 163 m hinab. Auf den Wegen entlang der sieben Fallstufen erleben Sie ein grandioses Naturschauspiel, das ganzjährig erlebbar ist. Auch ein kleiner Spaziergang die Hauptstraße hinab ist interessant (Uhren). Oberhalb des Eingangs zu den Wasserfällen bietet sich direkt an der Straße ein Busparkplatz mit Wohnmobilplätzen zum Anhalten an.
- 47.8571 8.1126
- 47° 51' 25.5" N 8° 6' 45.3" E
Ob man seine Fahrt in Titisee am Badeparadis (Stellplatz) schon unterbricht ist sicher von der Stimmung und dem Drang nach Bewegung abhängig. Wir sind weiter Richtung Feldberg gefahren. In Bärental lohnt sich der Besuch des "Schnapshäusle", bevor es nach Altglashütte zum Stellplatz am Bahnhof weiter geht. Bei uns war er übervoll, so dass wir kurz davor an der Feldberghalle sehr ruhig übernachtet haben (keine Infrastruktur).
- 47.859 8.037
- 47° 51' 32.4" N 8° 2' 13.4" E
Wer genügend Zeit mitbringt, sollte eine Wanderung zum Feldbergturm in Erwägung ziehen. Mit dem Mobil muss man dann auf der Passhöhe parken.
- 47.8307 7.9455
- 47° 49' 50.4" N 7° 56' 43.7" E
Die Fahrt vom Feldberg ist kurvenreich und bietet schöne Aussichten. In Todtnau lohnen sich die Wasserfälle. Man kann den oberen Eingang auf der Strecke nach Todtnauberg bequem erreichen - ein schöner Spaziergang.
- 47.8517 7.9406
- 47° 51' 6.1" N 7° 56' 26.1" E
Wer Lust auf eine (leichte) Wanderung hat, fährt durch den Ort In Richtung Jugendherberge. Oberhalb auf dem Wanderparkplatz Radschert kann das Mobil geparkt werden und den Aktivitäten steht "nichts mehr im Wege".
- 47.9119 7.8983
- 47° 54' 43" N 7° 53' 54" E
Unbeding bei schönen Wetter Zeit einplanen. Auch ist die Fahrt mit der Gondel hinunter nach Freiburg sicher eine Überlegung wert. Über die ehemalige Rennstrecke geht es dann wieder hinunter ins Tal.
- 47.999 7.8421
- 47° 59' 56.4" N 7° 50' 31.6" E
Freiburg ist immer einen Besuch wert. Samstags sollte man den Markt ums Münster nicht versäumen - alles eine Zeitfrage :-))
- 48.0348 7.5836
- 48° 2' 5.4" N 7° 35' 1" E
Der Stellplatz in Breisach ist gut besucht. Eine Werksbesichtigung bei Geldermann (Sekt) ist informativ und lohnt sich. Zudem hat die Altstadt einen besonderen Charme.
- 48.2672 7.7256
- 48° 16' 2" N 7° 43' 32.2" E
Europapark - muss man da noch etwas sagen? Stellplatz!
- 48.3854 7.7565
- 48° 23' 7.4" N 7° 45' 23.6" E
Wer nicht unbedingt auf einen Stellplatz oder die entsprechende Infrastruktur angewiesen ist, sollte auch die Hinweisschilder "Rhein" achten. Direkt am Ufer finden sich Plätze, die zum Übernachten geeignet sind.
- 48.6955 8.1381
- 48° 41' 43.7" N 8° 8' 17" E
- 48.7656 8.2285
- 48° 45' 56.3" N 8° 13' 42.7" E
Die Parksituation für Womos ist direkt in Baden Baden bescheiden. Wer dennoch die Stadt (lohneswert) besuchen will, sollte den Stellplatz Hubertusstraße (48° 46′ 56″ N; 8° 12′ 14″ E; Haltestelle zu Fuß erreichbar) benützen.
- 48.6393 8.3486
- 48° 38' 21.6" N 8° 20' 55" E
Wir wollten eigentlich gleich nach Bad Wildbad. Leider (aber im Nachhinein toll) war der Abzweig gesperrt. Wir "mussten" so dem Lauf der Murg folgen - herrliche Fahrt! Ein Abstecher zur Schwarzenbachtalsperre ist in diesem Fall obligatorisch.
- 48.5971 8.4219
- 48° 35' 49.4" N 8° 25' 18.8" E
Über Baiersbronn (Sternegastronomie) und (wer will) einen Abstecher zur Nagoldtalsperre führt die Route jetzt zur Hermann Hesse Stadt Calw
- 48.7122 8.7472
- 48° 42' 44" N 8° 44' 50.1" E
Unbedingt einen Stopp einplanen und durch die Altstadt schlendern. Die restliche Strecke war für uns dann "nur" noch Transportetappe zum Ausgangspunkt. Denkbar ist ein Zwischenhalt in Waiblingen (Altstadt) oder Schorndorf.
- 48.7887 9.0099
- 48° 47' 19.3" N 9° 0' 35.6" E
- 48.8941 9.1955
- 48° 53' 38.6" N 9° 11' 43.7" E
- 48.8294 9.3186
- 48° 49' 45.7" N 9° 19' 6.9" E
- 48.8046 9.8125
- 48° 48' 16.7" N 9° 48' 45.2" E
The starting point is Schwäbisch Gmünd, the oldest Staufer town. It is the oldest attested medieval town founding in Württemberg. Many witnesses from this time still characterize the city today. Market square, St. John's Church, Münster, St. Salvator (rock chapel and Stations of the Cross), Prediger (museum) or the Ott-Pausersche factory (silverware museum) are some of the stops that also justify a stay of several days. The State Horticultural Show 2014 also had a lasting impact on the cityscape and the surrounding area. The "heavenly garden" with the "heavenly striker" are impressive witnesses of this. After a visit to the site, a walk through the forest along the "ball track" down to the "Erdenreich" is a good idea.
Attention: The parking space situation in Schwäbisch Gmünd has changed.
Information can be found at: https://www.gmuender-baeder.de/wohnmobilhafen.html

The starting point is Schwäbisch Gmünd, the oldest Staufer town. It is the oldest attested medieval town founding in Württemberg. Many witnesses from this time still characterize the city today. Market square, St. John's Church, Münster, St. Salvator (rock chapel and Stations of the Cross), Prediger (museum) or the Ott-Pausersche factory (silverware museum) are some of the stops that also justify a stay of several days. The State Horticultural Show 2014 also had a lasting impact on the cityscape and the surrounding area. The "heavenly garden" with the "heavenly striker" are impressive witnesses of this. After a visit to the site, a walk through the forest along the "ball track" down to the "Erdenreich" is a good idea.
Attention: The parking space situation in Schwäbisch Gmünd has changed.
Information can be found at: https://www.gmuender-baeder.de/wohnmobilhafen.html
In Bad Ditzenbach, among other things, it is worth visiting the St. Bernhard herb house with its diverse range of natural products. Of course you can also visit the thermal baths. A simple parking space is nearby.
In Bad Ditzenbach, among other things, it is worth visiting the St. Bernhard herb house with its diverse range of natural products. Of course you can also visit the thermal baths. A simple parking space is nearby.
On the way, the Wurmling Chapel greets you (detour?).

A short detour to Ruine "Hohenneuffen" is always appropriate. When the weather is clear, the view is fantastic.
A short detour to Ruine "Hohenneuffen" is always appropriate. When the weather is clear, the view is fantastic.
If you bring a lot of time (and money) with you, you could stop in the Rolf Benz outlet. Otherwise, follow the Nagoldtal and the former narrow-gauge railway (Altensteigerle - now a bike path) towards Freudenstadt.
If you bring a lot of time (and money) with you, you could stop in the Rolf Benz outlet. Otherwise, follow the Nagoldtal and the former narrow-gauge railway (Altensteigerle - now a bike path) towards Freudenstadt.
Losing words about Freudenstadt's market place (very worth seeing) is like carrying owls to Athens. A stop is always worthwhile. Also, when the weather is nice, you should not miss the Ellbachsee view in Kniebis. A part of the Black Forest High Road then goes deeper into the Black Forest.

Losing words about Freudenstadt's market place (very worth seeing) is like carrying owls to Athens. A stop is always worthwhile. Also, when the weather is nice, you should not miss the Ellbachsee view in Kniebis. A part of the Black Forest High Road then goes deeper into the Black Forest.
You should have seen Germany's highest waterfalls in Triberg! Foaming and roaring, the water of the Gutach falls 163 m. On the paths along the seven fall levels you will experience a magnificent natural spectacle that can be experienced all year round. A short walk down the main street is also interesting (watches). Above the entrance to the waterfalls, there is a bus parking lot with camper parking spaces right on the street.
You should have seen Germany's highest waterfalls in Triberg! Foaming and roaring, the water of the Gutach falls 163 m. On the paths along the seven fall levels you will experience a magnificent natural spectacle that can be experienced all year round. A short walk down the main street is also interesting (watches). Above the entrance to the waterfalls, there is a bus parking lot with camper parking spaces right on the street.
Whether you interrupt your journey in Titisee at the bathing paradise (parking space) depends on the mood and the urge to move. We drove towards Feldberg. In Bärental it is worth visiting the "Schnapshäusle" before continuing to Altglashütte to the parking space at the train station. With us it was overcrowded, so that we had a very quiet night at the Feldberghalle shortly before (no infrastructure).

Whether you interrupt your journey in Titisee at the bathing paradise (parking space) depends on the mood and the urge to move. We drove towards Feldberg. In Bärental it is worth visiting the "Schnapshäusle" before continuing to Altglashütte to the parking space at the train station. With us it was overcrowded, so that we had a very quiet night at the Feldberghalle shortly before (no infrastructure).
If you have enough time, you should consider a hike to the Feldberg tower. With the mobile you have to park at the pass.
If you have enough time, you should consider a hike to the Feldberg tower. With the mobile you have to park at the pass.
The trip from Feldberg is curvy and offers beautiful views. The waterfalls in Todtnau are worthwhile. You can easily reach the upper entrance on the route to Todtnauberg - a nice walk.

The trip from Feldberg is curvy and offers beautiful views. The waterfalls in Todtnau are worthwhile. You can easily reach the upper entrance on the route to Todtnauberg - a nice walk.

If you fancy a (easy) hike, drive through the town towards the youth hostel. The mobile can be parked above the hiking car park Radschert and the activities are "no longer in the way".
If you fancy a (easy) hike, drive through the town towards the youth hostel. The mobile can be parked above the hiking car park Radschert and the activities are "no longer in the way".

Be sure to plan time when the weather is nice. The trip down to Freiburg by gondola is certainly worth considering. Then it goes back down into the valley via the former race track.

Be sure to plan time when the weather is nice. The trip down to Freiburg by gondola is certainly worth considering. Then it goes back down into the valley via the former race track.
Freiburg is always worth a visit. On Saturdays you shouldn't miss the market around Münster - all a question of time :-))

Freiburg is always worth a visit. On Saturdays you shouldn't miss the market around Münster - all a question of time :-))
The parking space in Breisach is well attended. A factory tour at Geldermann (sparkling wine) is informative and worthwhile. In addition, the old town has a special charm.
The parking space in Breisach is well attended. A factory tour at Geldermann (sparkling wine) is informative and worthwhile. In addition, the old town has a special charm.
Europapark - do you have to say anything else? Parking space!
Europapark - do you have to say anything else? Parking space!
If you are not necessarily dependent on a parking space or the appropriate infrastructure, you should also pay attention to the "Rhine" signs. There are places right on the shore that are suitable for overnight stays.

If you are not necessarily dependent on a parking space or the appropriate infrastructure, you should also pay attention to the "Rhine" signs. There are places right on the shore that are suitable for overnight stays.
The parking situation for womos in Baden Baden is modest. If you still want to visit the city (worthwhile), you should use the Hubertusstraße parking space (48 ° 46 ′ 56 ″ N; 8 ° 12 ′ 14 ″ E; bus stop within walking distance).

The parking situation for womos in Baden Baden is modest. If you still want to visit the city (worthwhile), you should use the Hubertusstraße parking space (48 ° 46 ′ 56 ″ N; 8 ° 12 ′ 14 ″ E; bus stop within walking distance).
We actually wanted to go to Bad Wildbad right away. Unfortunately (but in retrospect great) the junction was blocked. We "had to" follow the course of the Murg - wonderful ride! In this case, a detour to the Schwarzenbachtalsperre is mandatory.
We actually wanted to go to Bad Wildbad right away. Unfortunately (but in retrospect great) the junction was blocked. We "had to" follow the course of the Murg - wonderful ride! In this case, a detour to the Schwarzenbachtalsperre is mandatory.
Via Baiersbronn (star gastronomy) and (if you want) a detour to the Nagold dam, the route now leads to the Hermann Hesse city of Calw
Via Baiersbronn (star gastronomy) and (if you want) a detour to the Nagold dam, the route now leads to the Hermann Hesse city of Calw
Be sure to plan a stop and stroll through the old town. The rest of the route was "only" a transport stage to the starting point. A stopover in Waiblingen (old town) or Schorndorf is conceivable.
Be sure to plan a stop and stroll through the old town. The rest of the route was "only" a transport stage to the starting point. A stopover in Waiblingen (old town) or Schorndorf is conceivable.
Attention: The parking situation in Schwäbisch Gmünd has changed.
Information can be found at: https://www.gmuender-baeder.de/wohnmobilhafen.html
Attention: The parking situation in Schwäbisch Gmünd has changed.
Information can be found at: https://www.gmuender-baeder.de/wohnmobilhafen.html
Comments (1)
Comments from Freeontour users
Wenn Ihr das nächste Mal im Schwarzwald seid, solltet ihr der Ortenau bzw. der badischen Weinstrasse unbedingt einen Besuch abstatten. Von der Schwarzwaldhochstrasse B 500 (Baden-Baden bis Freudenstadt) einfach abzweigen ins Sasbachtal nach Sasbachwalden - dort gibt es direkt im Ort einen Wohnmobilstellplatz bei der Winzergenossenschaft und viele Möglichkeiten eine Wanderung in den Rebhängen zu machen. Sehr malerisch
Danke für den Tipp - werden wir ganz sicher in nächster Zeit berücksichtigen. :-))