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2,510 km Loire Valley & Brittany Easter 2022

Departure from Bodenheim around 12:00 p.m., arrival at Camping Aux Rives du Lac in Géraudot around 5:45 p.m.
Simple but well-kept facility on the edge of the forest and within walking distance to the lake with a beach and leisure facilities. Dogs are unfortunately not allowed on the lake, not even on a leash... ☹ We actually wanted to go to Urville to buy champagne, but then decided to stock up on Loire wine. So go on...

Departure from Bodenheim around 12:00 p.m., arrival at Camping Aux Rives du Lac in Géraudot around 5:45 p.m.
Simple but well-kept facility on the edge of the forest and within walking distance to the lake with a beach and leisure facilities. Dogs are unfortunately not allowed on the lake, not even on a leash... ☹ We actually wanted to go to Urville to buy champagne, but then decided to stock up on Loire wine. So go on...
Stations & impressions along the way: Villeneuve de Chemin, Chapelle St. Joseph, embedded in rapeseed and grain fields, surrounded by meadows; a nice rest area Continue via St. Florentin with a marina on Armançon and Pontigny, a nice place with a camper pitch Longer break in beautiful Auxerre, camper pitch right on the Loire.
Shopping and overnight stay at the Bernard Fleuriet et Fils winery in La Vauvise - Menetou-Râtel near Sancerre with a very nice family of winegrowers who also offer holiday apartments. Unfortunately no good walking possibilities with dog. In France there are apparently only seldom dirt roads, every cm of field is used.

Stations & impressions along the way: Villeneuve de Chemin, Chapelle St. Joseph, embedded in rapeseed and grain fields, surrounded by meadows; a nice rest area Continue via St. Florentin with a marina on Armançon and Pontigny, a nice place with a camper pitch Longer break in beautiful Auxerre, camper pitch right on the Loire.
Shopping and overnight stay at the Bernard Fleuriet et Fils winery in La Vauvise - Menetou-Râtel near Sancerre with a very nice family of winegrowers who also offer holiday apartments. Unfortunately no good walking possibilities with dog. In France there are apparently only seldom dirt roads, every cm of field is used.
Continue on a very nice route with a view of Sancerre (the town itself doesn't seem to have much to offer except narrow streets) and Mennetou-sur-Cher with a beautiful medieval town center to Tours. No parking space for campers found in Tours, the information from Stellplatz-Info only led us in circles. The city is obviously huge, so just park somewhere and start walking was too tricky for us. So on via Saumur (was too big and industrial for us) to Angers, mostly along the Loire. Every now and then nice little towns, also with campsites and parking spaces (e.g. St. Clément des Levées, St. Mathurin-sur-Loire) to Angers overnight stay at Camping d'Angers Lac de Maine. Very neat, modern place near the lake. Unfortunately, the pool and bistro were not yet open in the off-season. But 7km tour around the lake, the dog was happy

Continue on a very nice route with a view of Sancerre (the town itself doesn't seem to have much to offer except narrow streets) and Mennetou-sur-Cher with a beautiful medieval town center to Tours. No parking space for campers found in Tours, the information from Stellplatz-Info only led us in circles. The city is obviously huge, so just park somewhere and start walking was too tricky for us. So on via Saumur (was too big and industrial for us) to Angers, mostly along the Loire. Every now and then nice little towns, also with campsites and parking spaces (e.g. St. Clément des Levées, St. Mathurin-sur-Loire) to Angers overnight stay at Camping d'Angers Lac de Maine. Very neat, modern place near the lake. Unfortunately, the pool and bistro were not yet open in the off-season. But 7km tour around the lake, the dog was happy
About Nort-sur-Erdre, a nice town with parks and a fairly large marina on the canal, Fay de Bretagne (parking space at a supermarket, quite pretty, but rather sleepy) and Campbon (ville fleurie with a large cathedral, small but pretty and well-kept ) and because of traffic jams through Vannes (large, industrial). A trip along the coast would probably have been worthwhile, but we wanted to keep going and fought our way back onto the N24 via rather pretty back roads to get to Concarneau. Somewhere in the countryside near Pluvigner (quite a nice place) we finally found a forest path for our dog. In Concarneau we then spent 3 nights at the beautifully landscaped and well-equipped Camping Les Sables Blancs. Both town and beach are within walking distance. The latter is unfortunately not allowed for dogs (actually, well, in the low season you don't take it too seriously), but a walk on the Cap also leads to wild beaches where the dogs can let off steam.
The old town of Concarneau was still tolerable at this time, in the summer there are certainly crowds of tourists. But there are still plenty of excursion destinations on the coast. However, we rested first – and of course we ate at the famous l'Amiral.

About Nort-sur-Erdre, a nice town with parks and a fairly large marina on the canal, Fay de Bretagne (parking space at a supermarket, quite pretty, but rather sleepy) and Campbon (ville fleurie with a large cathedral, small but pretty and well-kept ) and because of traffic jams through Vannes (large, industrial). A trip along the coast would probably have been worthwhile, but we wanted to keep going and fought our way back onto the N24 via rather pretty back roads to get to Concarneau. Somewhere in the countryside near Pluvigner (quite a nice place) we finally found a forest path for our dog. In Concarneau we then spent 3 nights at the beautifully landscaped and well-equipped Camping Les Sables Blancs. Both town and beach are within walking distance. The latter is unfortunately not allowed for dogs (actually, well, in the low season you don't take it too seriously), but a walk on the Cap also leads to wild beaches where the dogs can let off steam.
The old town of Concarneau was still tolerable at this time, in the summer there are certainly crowds of tourists. But there are still plenty of excursion destinations on the coast. However, we rested first – and of course we ate at the famous l'Amiral.
Concarneau must be pretty crowded in the summer. We were lucky.

Concarneau must be pretty crowded in the summer. We were lucky.
Banksy loves water - even salty... ;-)

Those beautiful flowers everywhere...!

Again we shortened the coast a bit and drove on the D 790 via Corlay and Plancoët (beautiful place on the canal). Nice rest with a walk on the beach in St. Jacut de la Mer and a break in the very nice restaurant Du Port near the abbey, which will change its name, so beware, but it's worth looking for!
Overnight stay at the simple but beautifully situated Camping d`Aleth (just behind the masts and trees on the picture on the left) with a view of St. Malo. We would have also preferred to go to the small bay of Aleth with its cozy restaurants and pubs instead of going into the gloomy one and crowded St. Malo!

Again we shortened the coast a bit and drove on the D 790 via Corlay and Plancoët (beautiful place on the canal). Nice rest with a walk on the beach in St. Jacut de la Mer and a break in the very nice restaurant Du Port near the abbey, which will change its name, so beware, but it's worth looking for!
Overnight stay at the simple but beautifully situated Camping d`Aleth (just behind the masts and trees on the picture on the left) with a view of St. Malo. We would have also preferred to go to the small bay of Aleth with its cozy restaurants and pubs instead of going into the gloomy one and crowded St. Malo!
Via Cancales (THE oyster town!) and Saint-Benoît-des-Ondes along the coast (always nice little towns with pitches and campsites) and a break in a pretty oyster bar at Le Vivier-sur-Mer right next to it the coast of the English Channel. We only caught a glimpse of the action at Mont St Michel and preferred to continue. Overnight stay in Bourg Achard (small, but you can buy delicious specialties cheaply) at the beautifully landscaped and well-kept Camping le Clos Normand. Unfortunately little exercise for the dog, but it worked. Nice hosts!

Via Cancales (THE oyster town!) and Saint-Benoît-des-Ondes along the coast (always nice little towns with pitches and campsites) and a break in a pretty oyster bar at Le Vivier-sur-Mer right next to it the coast of the English Channel. We only caught a glimpse of the action at Mont St Michel and preferred to continue. Overnight stay in Bourg Achard (small, but you can buy delicious specialties cheaply) at the beautifully landscaped and well-kept Camping le Clos Normand. Unfortunately little exercise for the dog, but it worked. Nice hosts!
Return journey via the well-developed N or city motorway around Paris and with a nice stopover at the Abbaye Longport just south of Soissons. Then through Belgium and Luxembourg home via Hunsrück-Höhenstraße.
Arrival 21.04. 22:00 O'clock

Return journey via the well-developed N or city motorway around Paris and with a nice stopover at the Abbaye Longport just south of Soissons. Then through Belgium and Luxembourg home via Hunsrück-Höhenstraße.
Arrival 21.04. 22:00 O'clock
Show newest first- 49.9293 8.3127
- 49° 55' 45.5" N 8° 18' 45.6" E
- 48.3032 4.3374
- 48° 18' 11.5" N 4° 20' 14.5" E
Abfahrt in Bodenheim ca 12:00 Uhr, Ankunft Camping Aux Rives du Lac in Géraudot ca. 17:45 Uhr.
Einfache, aber gepflegte Anlage am Waldrand und in Laufnähe zum See mit Strand und Freizeitangebot. Hunde sind am See leider nicht erlaubt, auch nicht an der Leine… ☹ Eigentllich wollten wir noch nach Urville, Champagner kaufen, haben dann aber doch entschieden, lieber mal Loire-Wein zu bunkern. Also weiter...
- 47.3336 2.7713
- 47° 20' 1.1" N 2° 46' 16.8" E
Stationen & Eindrücke unterwegs: Villeneuve de Chemin, Chapelle St. Joseph, eingebettet in Raps und Getreidefelder, umgeben von Wiesen; ein schöner Rastplatz Weiter über St. Florentin mit an einer Marina am Armançon und Pontigny, einem schönen Ort mit Camper-Stellplatz Längere Pause im schönen Auxerre, Camper-Stellplatz direkt an der Loire.
Einkauf und Übernachtung beim Weingut Bernard Fleuriet et Fils in La Vauvise – Menetou-Râtel nahe Sancerre bei einer sehr netten Winzer-Familie, die auch Ferienwohnungen anbieten. Leider keine guten Spazier-Möglichkeiten mit Hund. In Frankeich gibt es scheinbar nur selten Feldwege, jeder cm Feld wird genutzt.
- 47.4712 -0.5518
- 47° 28' 16.2" N 0° 33' 6.6" W
Weiterfahrt über eine sehr schöne Strecke mit Blick auf Sancerre (der Ort selbst scheint nicht viel zu bieten außer engen Gassen) und Mennetou-sur-Cher mit schönem mittelalterlichem Ortskern nach Tours. In Tours keinen Stellplatz für Camper gefunden, die Angaben von Stellplatz-Info führten uns nur im Kreis. Die Stadt ist offenbar riesig, also einfach irgendwo parken und loslaufen war uns zu heikel. Also weiter via Saumur (war uns zu groß und industriell) nach Angers, größtenteils entlang der Loire. Immer mal wieder nette kleine Ortschaften, auch mit Camping- und Stellplätzen (zB St. Clément des Levées, St. Mathurin-sur-Loire) bis nach Angers Übernachtung auf Camping d’Angers Lac de Maine. Sehr gepflegter, moderner Platz in der Nähe des Sees. Leider waren Pool und Bistro in der Nebensaison noch nicht geöffnet. Dafür 7km Rundgang um den See, der Hund war zufrieden
- 47.8728 -3.9207
- 47° 52' 22.2" N 3° 55' 14.6" W
Über Nort-sur-Erdre, einem netten Städtchen mit Parks und einer ziemlich großen Marina am Kanal, Fay de Bretagne (Stellplatz bei einem Supermarkt, recht hübsch, aber eher verschlafen) und Campbon (ville fleurie mit großer Kathedrale, klein aber hübsch und gepflegt) und wegen Stau durch Vannes (groß, industriell). Ein Ausflug über die Küste hätte sich vermutlich gelohnt, doch wir wollten weiter und haben uns über recht hübsche Nebenstraßen zurück auf die N24 gekämpft, um nach Concarneau zu gelangen. Irgendwo im Grünen Nahe Pluvigner (ganz netter Ort) haben wir endlich einen Waldweg für unseren Hund gefunden. In Concarneau haben wir dann gleich 3 Nächte auf dem schön angelegten und toll eingerichteten Camping Les Sables Blancs verbracht. Beides, Stadt und Strand sind fußläufig erreichbar. Letzterer ist leider für Hunde nicht erlaubt (eigentlich, alsoin der Nebensaison nimmt man es nicht so genau), doch ein Spazierweg am Cap führt auch zu wilden Stränden, wo sich die Hunde austoben können.
Die Altstadt von Concarneau war um diese Zeit noch erträglich, im Sommer drängen sich hier gewiss Touristenmassen. Doch an der Küste gibt es ja noch jede Menge Ausflugsziele. Wir haben uns allerdings erst mal ausgeruht – und natürlich im berühmten l`Amiral gegessen.
Concarneau ist im Sommer bestimmt ganz schön voll. Wir hatten noch Glück.
Banksy liebt das Wasser - auch salzig... ;-)
Diese schönen Blumen überall...!
- 48.6493 -2.0257
- 48° 38' 57.6" N 2° 1' 32.4" W
Wieder haben wir die Küste etwas abgekürzt und fuhren auf der D 790 über Corlay und Plancoët (schöner Ort am Kanal). Schöne Rast mit Strandspaziergang in St. Jacut de la Mer und Pause im sehr netten Restaurant Du Port nahe der Abtei, das allerdings seinen Namen ändern wird, daher Achtung, aber es lohnt sich danach zu suchen!
Übernachtung auf dem einfachen, aber schön gelegenen Camping d`Aleth (gleich hinter den Masten und Bäumen auf dem Bild links) mit Blick auf St. Malo Wir wären auch besser in die kleine Bucht von Aleth mit seinen gemütlichen Restaurants und Kneipen gegangen statt ins düstere und überfüllte St. Malo!
- 49.3546 0.8175
- 49° 21' 16.5" N 0° 49' 2.9" E
Via Cancales (DIE Austern-Stadt!) und Saint-Benoît-des-Ondes an der Küste entlang (immer wieder nette kleine Orte mit Stell- und Campingplätzen) und Pause in einer hübschen Austern-Bar bei Le Vivier-sur-Mer direkt an der Küste des Ärmelkanals. Wir haben nur einen kurzen Blick auf das Treiben am Mont St. Michel geworfen und es vorgezogen, weiterzufahren.
Übernachtung in Bourg Achard (klein, aber man kann günstig leckere Spezialitäten einkaufen) auf dem schön begrünten und gepflegten Camping le Clos Normand. Leider wenig Auslauf für den Hund, aber es ging. Nette Gastgeber!
- 49.9293 8.3127
- 49° 55' 45.5" N 8° 18' 45.6" E
Rückreise über gut ausgebaute N oder Stadtautobahn um Paris herum und mit schönem Zwischenstop bei der Abbaye Longport etwas südlich von Soissons. Dann durch Belgien und Luxemburg ab nach Hause über Hunsrück-Höhenstraße.
Ankunft 21.04. 22:00 Uhr
Departure from Bodenheim around 12:00 p.m., arrival at Camping Aux Rives du Lac in Géraudot around 5:45 p.m.
Simple but well-kept facility on the edge of the forest and within walking distance to the lake with a beach and leisure facilities. Dogs are unfortunately not allowed on the lake, not even on a leash... ☹ We actually wanted to go to Urville to buy champagne, but then decided to stock up on Loire wine. So go on...

Departure from Bodenheim around 12:00 p.m., arrival at Camping Aux Rives du Lac in Géraudot around 5:45 p.m.
Simple but well-kept facility on the edge of the forest and within walking distance to the lake with a beach and leisure facilities. Dogs are unfortunately not allowed on the lake, not even on a leash... ☹ We actually wanted to go to Urville to buy champagne, but then decided to stock up on Loire wine. So go on...
Stations & impressions along the way: Villeneuve de Chemin, Chapelle St. Joseph, embedded in rapeseed and grain fields, surrounded by meadows; a nice rest area Continue via St. Florentin with a marina on Armançon and Pontigny, a nice place with a camper pitch Longer break in beautiful Auxerre, camper pitch right on the Loire.
Shopping and overnight stay at the Bernard Fleuriet et Fils winery in La Vauvise - Menetou-Râtel near Sancerre with a very nice family of winegrowers who also offer holiday apartments. Unfortunately no good walking possibilities with dog. In France there are apparently only seldom dirt roads, every cm of field is used.

Stations & impressions along the way: Villeneuve de Chemin, Chapelle St. Joseph, embedded in rapeseed and grain fields, surrounded by meadows; a nice rest area Continue via St. Florentin with a marina on Armançon and Pontigny, a nice place with a camper pitch Longer break in beautiful Auxerre, camper pitch right on the Loire.
Shopping and overnight stay at the Bernard Fleuriet et Fils winery in La Vauvise - Menetou-Râtel near Sancerre with a very nice family of winegrowers who also offer holiday apartments. Unfortunately no good walking possibilities with dog. In France there are apparently only seldom dirt roads, every cm of field is used.
Continue on a very nice route with a view of Sancerre (the town itself doesn't seem to have much to offer except narrow streets) and Mennetou-sur-Cher with a beautiful medieval town center to Tours. No parking space for campers found in Tours, the information from Stellplatz-Info only led us in circles. The city is obviously huge, so just park somewhere and start walking was too tricky for us. So on via Saumur (was too big and industrial for us) to Angers, mostly along the Loire. Every now and then nice little towns, also with campsites and parking spaces (e.g. St. Clément des Levées, St. Mathurin-sur-Loire) to Angers overnight stay at Camping d'Angers Lac de Maine. Very neat, modern place near the lake. Unfortunately, the pool and bistro were not yet open in the off-season. But 7km tour around the lake, the dog was happy

Continue on a very nice route with a view of Sancerre (the town itself doesn't seem to have much to offer except narrow streets) and Mennetou-sur-Cher with a beautiful medieval town center to Tours. No parking space for campers found in Tours, the information from Stellplatz-Info only led us in circles. The city is obviously huge, so just park somewhere and start walking was too tricky for us. So on via Saumur (was too big and industrial for us) to Angers, mostly along the Loire. Every now and then nice little towns, also with campsites and parking spaces (e.g. St. Clément des Levées, St. Mathurin-sur-Loire) to Angers overnight stay at Camping d'Angers Lac de Maine. Very neat, modern place near the lake. Unfortunately, the pool and bistro were not yet open in the off-season. But 7km tour around the lake, the dog was happy
About Nort-sur-Erdre, a nice town with parks and a fairly large marina on the canal, Fay de Bretagne (parking space at a supermarket, quite pretty, but rather sleepy) and Campbon (ville fleurie with a large cathedral, small but pretty and well-kept ) and because of traffic jams through Vannes (large, industrial). A trip along the coast would probably have been worthwhile, but we wanted to keep going and fought our way back onto the N24 via rather pretty back roads to get to Concarneau. Somewhere in the countryside near Pluvigner (quite a nice place) we finally found a forest path for our dog. In Concarneau we then spent 3 nights at the beautifully landscaped and well-equipped Camping Les Sables Blancs. Both town and beach are within walking distance. The latter is unfortunately not allowed for dogs (actually, well, in the low season you don't take it too seriously), but a walk on the Cap also leads to wild beaches where the dogs can let off steam.
The old town of Concarneau was still tolerable at this time, in the summer there are certainly crowds of tourists. But there are still plenty of excursion destinations on the coast. However, we rested first – and of course we ate at the famous l'Amiral.

About Nort-sur-Erdre, a nice town with parks and a fairly large marina on the canal, Fay de Bretagne (parking space at a supermarket, quite pretty, but rather sleepy) and Campbon (ville fleurie with a large cathedral, small but pretty and well-kept ) and because of traffic jams through Vannes (large, industrial). A trip along the coast would probably have been worthwhile, but we wanted to keep going and fought our way back onto the N24 via rather pretty back roads to get to Concarneau. Somewhere in the countryside near Pluvigner (quite a nice place) we finally found a forest path for our dog. In Concarneau we then spent 3 nights at the beautifully landscaped and well-equipped Camping Les Sables Blancs. Both town and beach are within walking distance. The latter is unfortunately not allowed for dogs (actually, well, in the low season you don't take it too seriously), but a walk on the Cap also leads to wild beaches where the dogs can let off steam.
The old town of Concarneau was still tolerable at this time, in the summer there are certainly crowds of tourists. But there are still plenty of excursion destinations on the coast. However, we rested first – and of course we ate at the famous l'Amiral.
Concarneau must be pretty crowded in the summer. We were lucky.

Concarneau must be pretty crowded in the summer. We were lucky.
Banksy loves water - even salty... ;-)

Those beautiful flowers everywhere...!

Again we shortened the coast a bit and drove on the D 790 via Corlay and Plancoët (beautiful place on the canal). Nice rest with a walk on the beach in St. Jacut de la Mer and a break in the very nice restaurant Du Port near the abbey, which will change its name, so beware, but it's worth looking for!
Overnight stay at the simple but beautifully situated Camping d`Aleth (just behind the masts and trees on the picture on the left) with a view of St. Malo. We would have also preferred to go to the small bay of Aleth with its cozy restaurants and pubs instead of going into the gloomy one and crowded St. Malo!

Again we shortened the coast a bit and drove on the D 790 via Corlay and Plancoët (beautiful place on the canal). Nice rest with a walk on the beach in St. Jacut de la Mer and a break in the very nice restaurant Du Port near the abbey, which will change its name, so beware, but it's worth looking for!
Overnight stay at the simple but beautifully situated Camping d`Aleth (just behind the masts and trees on the picture on the left) with a view of St. Malo. We would have also preferred to go to the small bay of Aleth with its cozy restaurants and pubs instead of going into the gloomy one and crowded St. Malo!
Via Cancales (THE oyster town!) and Saint-Benoît-des-Ondes along the coast (always nice little towns with pitches and campsites) and a break in a pretty oyster bar at Le Vivier-sur-Mer right next to it the coast of the English Channel. We only caught a glimpse of the action at Mont St Michel and preferred to continue. Overnight stay in Bourg Achard (small, but you can buy delicious specialties cheaply) at the beautifully landscaped and well-kept Camping le Clos Normand. Unfortunately little exercise for the dog, but it worked. Nice hosts!

Via Cancales (THE oyster town!) and Saint-Benoît-des-Ondes along the coast (always nice little towns with pitches and campsites) and a break in a pretty oyster bar at Le Vivier-sur-Mer right next to it the coast of the English Channel. We only caught a glimpse of the action at Mont St Michel and preferred to continue. Overnight stay in Bourg Achard (small, but you can buy delicious specialties cheaply) at the beautifully landscaped and well-kept Camping le Clos Normand. Unfortunately little exercise for the dog, but it worked. Nice hosts!
Return journey via the well-developed N or city motorway around Paris and with a nice stopover at the Abbaye Longport just south of Soissons. Then through Belgium and Luxembourg home via Hunsrück-Höhenstraße.
Arrival 21.04. 22:00 O'clock

Return journey via the well-developed N or city motorway around Paris and with a nice stopover at the Abbaye Longport just south of Soissons. Then through Belgium and Luxembourg home via Hunsrück-Höhenstraße.
Arrival 21.04. 22:00 O'clock
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