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Winter camping with a rented motorhome

At home, we pack the car with everything we need for the winter camping week and drive to the Bossard and Humm GmbH garage in Zofingen. There we take over the Rhön Camp "The Force" for a week. Peter Humm, the manager, shows us all the important details of the "gas-free" motorhome.

At home, we pack the car with everything we need for the winter camping week and drive to the Bossard and Humm GmbH garage in Zofingen. There we take over the Rhön Camp "The Force" for a week. Peter Humm, the manager, shows us all the important details of the "gas-free" motorhome.
We have a reservation for the first night at Camping Seeweid in Schwarzsee. We left Zofingen very late and it was soon dark. On the way to the campsite we were stopped at a roadblock and told to take a different route (we were told to look at Google Maps). Unfortunately, the Mercedes Benz navigation system kept taking us back to the same place. Finally we gave up and looked for another campsite nearby. We found one near Düdingen and set up at the Schiffenensee campsite. We were the only day tourists, plugged in the power, ate and drank something and then went to bed. At 2:30 a.m. we were woken up by a shrill alarm. The battery in the body was empty and we had no heating! We had no gas, so we went back under the warm blanket and slept until morning.
We have a reservation for the first night at Camping Seeweid in Schwarzsee. We left Zofingen very late and it was soon dark. On the way to the campsite we were stopped at a roadblock and told to take a different route (we were told to look at Google Maps). Unfortunately, the Mercedes Benz navigation system kept taking us back to the same place. Finally we gave up and looked for another campsite nearby. We found one near Düdingen and set up at the Schiffenensee campsite. We were the only day tourists, plugged in the power, ate and drank something and then went to bed. At 2:30 a.m. we were woken up by a shrill alarm. The battery in the body was empty and we had no heating! We had no gas, so we went back under the warm blanket and slept until morning.
It is a very cold awakening and we leave the Schiffenensee campsite without wasting any time. A hot coffee and fresh croissants are waiting for us at the motorway service station. So, now we are warm again. Our next destination is the Camping des Horizons Bleus in Villeneuve on Lake Geneva.
It is a very cold awakening and we leave the Schiffenensee campsite without wasting any time. A hot coffee and fresh croissants are waiting for us at the motorway service station. So, now we are warm again. Our next destination is the Camping des Horizons Bleus in Villeneuve on Lake Geneva.
We spend two nights at the Camping des Horizons Bleus in Villeneuve on Lake Geneva. The site is well occupied. The famous "Marché Noël" is in Montreux and many exhibitors from France stay here. We visit our friends in Montreux and enjoy the warm winter sun. The power keeps going out and I have to set the input voltage back to 3 amps. It's good that this works.

We spend two nights at the Camping des Horizons Bleus in Villeneuve on Lake Geneva. The site is well occupied. The famous "Marché Noël" is in Montreux and many exhibitors from France stay here. We visit our friends in Montreux and enjoy the warm winter sun. The power keeps going out and I have to set the input voltage back to 3 amps. It's good that this works.
Before we continue our journey at the campsite in Villeneuve, the next surprise awaits us. The vehicle won't start. The groundskeeper brings a battery charger, but it turns out to be too weak. A friendly neighbor helps us out and drives his BMW into position to jump-start the vehicle. The vehicle battery was used up by the heating of the water pump, even though we were connected to shore power!
The journey to Château-d'Oex takes us from Aigle over the "Col des Mosses" pass, which is open all year round. We eat and drink something outside the campsite in Château-d'Oex. The campsite seems deserted and we decide to drive on straight away. It's not far to Zweisimmen, our next destination.
We soon arrive at the Vermeille campsite in Zweisimmen and set up camp for the next few nights. Here we can get 10 amps of electricity from a single connection, very good!
Before we continue our journey at the campsite in Villeneuve, the next surprise awaits us. The vehicle won't start. The groundskeeper brings a battery charger, but it turns out to be too weak. A friendly neighbor helps us out and drives his BMW into position to jump-start the vehicle. The vehicle battery was used up by the heating of the water pump, even though we were connected to shore power!
The journey to Château-d'Oex takes us from Aigle over the "Col des Mosses" pass, which is open all year round. We eat and drink something outside the campsite in Château-d'Oex. The campsite seems deserted and we decide to drive on straight away. It's not far to Zweisimmen, our next destination.
We soon arrive at the Vermeille campsite in Zweisimmen and set up camp for the next few nights. Here we can get 10 amps of electricity from a single connection, very good!
We go on excursions with our friends from the neighboring Fankhauser campsite, where they have a permanent caravan with an awning. A beautiful winter hike takes us from Zweisimmen to Lenk.
Before we drive home on Sunday, we are faced with the same problem: the vehicle battery has run out of power. Luckily, our friends are still there and can help us bridge the gap with their Skoda.
The journey home is problem-free. At home, we unload and sleep in our own bed.

We go on excursions with our friends from the neighboring Fankhauser campsite, where they have a permanent caravan with an awning. A beautiful winter hike takes us from Zweisimmen to Lenk.
Before we drive home on Sunday, we are faced with the same problem: the vehicle battery has run out of power. Luckily, our friends are still there and can help us bridge the gap with their Skoda.
The journey home is problem-free. At home, we unload and sleep in our own bed.
In the afternoon we bring the Rhön Camp "The Force" back to Zofingen. It turns out that not everything is wired correctly. If there is shore power, this should also charge the vehicle battery, which did not happen.
Conclusion: Having gas makes sense, especially when the power is out! The brakes on the Mercedes (length 6m) are very hard. Driving is rough and the driving noises inside are loud. We would also prefer more space. We will next rent a 6.4 m long "Tourne Mobil" from Garage Bossard & Humm GmbH in January.
In the afternoon we bring the Rhön Camp "The Force" back to Zofingen. It turns out that not everything is wired correctly. If there is shore power, this should also charge the vehicle battery, which did not happen.
Conclusion: Having gas makes sense, especially when the power is out! The brakes on the Mercedes (length 6m) are very hard. Driving is rough and the driving noises inside are loud. We would also prefer more space. We will next rent a 6.4 m long "Tourne Mobil" from Garage Bossard & Humm GmbH in January.
Show newest first- 47.2824 8.4055
- 47° 16' 56.8" N 8° 24' 19.9" E
Zuhause packen wir das Auto voll mit allem, was wir für die Wintercamping Woche benötigen und fahren los zur Bossard und Humm GmbH Garage in Zofingen. Dort übernehmen wir den Rhön Camp "The Force" für eine Woche. Peter Humm, der Geschäftsführer, weist uns in alle wichtigen Details des "gasfreien" Wohnmobils ein.
- 47.2912 7.9354
- 47° 17' 28.2" N 7° 56' 7.3" E
Für die erste Nacht haben wir eine Reservierung im Camping Seeweid in Schwarzsee. Wir sind in Zofingen sehr spät abgefahren und es ist schon bald dunkel. Auf dem Weg zum Camping werden wir bei einer Strassensperre angehalten und angewiesen, einen anderen Weg (wir sollen auf Google Maps schauen) nehmen. Leider führt uns das Mercedes Benz Navigationssystem immer wieder zur gleichen Stelle zurück. Schliesslich geben wir auf und suchen uns einen anderen Campingplatz in der Nähe. Fündig werden wir bei Düdingen und stellen und auf dem Campingplatz Schiffenensee auf. Wir sind die einzigen Tages-Touristen, stecken den Strom ein, essen und trinken etwas und gehen dann zu Bett. Um 2:30 Uhr in der Nacht werden wir von einem schrillen Alarm geweckt. Die Aufbau-Batterie ist leer und wir haben keine Heizung mehr! Gas haben wir nicht, so gehen wir wieder unter die warme Decke uns schlafen bis zum Morgen.
Es ist ein sehr kaltes Erwachen und wir fahren ohne Zeit zu verlieren vom Campingplatz Schiffenensee los. An der Autobahn Raststätte warten ein heisser Kaffee und frische Gipfeli auf uns. So, jetzt haben wir wieder warm. Unser nächstes Ziel ist der Camping des Horizons Bleus in Villeneuve am Genfersee.
Zwei Nächte verbringen wir im Camping des Horizons Bleus in Villeneuve am Genfersee. Der Platz ist gut belegt. In Montreux ist der bekannte "Marché Noël" und viele Aussteller aus Frankreich übernachten hier. Wir besuchen unsere Freunde in Montreux und geniessen die wärmende Wintersonne. Der Strom fällt immer wieder aus und mir müssen die Eingangsstärke auf 3 Amp. zurück stellen, gut dass das geht.
Vor der Weiterfahrt beim Camping in Villeneuve erwartet uns die nächste Überraschung. Das Fahrzeug lässt sich nicht mehr starten. Der Platzwart bringt ein Batterie Ladegerät, doch dieses erweist sich als zu schwach. Ein freundlicher Nachbar hilft uns aus der Patsche und fährt seinen BMW zum Überbrücken in Stellung. Die Fahrzeug Batterie wurde durch die Heizung der Wasserpumpe aufgebraucht, obwohl wir am Landstrom hängten!
Die Fahrt nach Château-d'Oex führt von Aigle über den ganzjährig geöffneten Pass "Col des Mosses". Ausserhalb des Campingplatz in Château-d'Oex essen und trinken wir etwas. Der Camping scheint verlassen und wir entscheiden uns gleich weiterzufahren. Es ist ja nicht mehr weit bis Zweisimmen, dem nächsten Ziel.
Bald kommen wir am Campingplatz Vermeille in Zweisimmen an und installieren uns für die kommenden Nächte hier. Hier können wir 10 Amp. Strom von einem einzelnen Anschluss ziehen, sehr gut!
Mit unseren Freunden vom benachbarten Campingplatz Fankhauser, sie besitzen dort einen festen Wohnwagen mit Vorzelt, machen wir Ausflüge. Eine schöne Winterwanderung führt uns von Zweisimmen bis in die Lenk.
Vor der Heimfahrt am Sonntag erwartet uns das bekannte Problem: Kein Strom mehr in der Fahrzeug Batterie. Gut sind unsere Freunde noch da und können mit ihrem Skoda beim Überbrücken helfen.
Die Heimfahrt ist problemlos. Zuhause wird abgeladen und im eigenen Bett geschlafen.
- 47.2824 8.4055
- 47° 16' 56.8" N 8° 24' 19.9" E
Am Nachmittag bringen wir den Rhön Camp "The Force" nach Zofingen zurück. Es stellt sich heraus, dass nicht alles richtig verkabelt ist. Wenn Landstrom vorhanden ist, sollte dieser auch die Fahrzeug Batterie laden, was nicht geschehen ist.
Fazit: Gas zu haben macht Sinn, vor allem wenn der Strom weg ist! Die Bremsen am Mercedes (Länge 6m) sind sehr hart. Das Fahren ist rau und die Fahrgeräusche innen laut. Zudem würden wir mehr Platz bevorzugen. Wir werden im Januar bei der Garage Bossard & Humm GmbH als nächstes ein 6.4 m lange "Tourne Mobil" mieten.
- 47.2905 7.9364
- 47° 17' 25.8" N 7° 56' 11" E
At home, we pack the car with everything we need for the winter camping week and drive to the Bossard and Humm GmbH garage in Zofingen. There we take over the Rhön Camp "The Force" for a week. Peter Humm, the manager, shows us all the important details of the "gas-free" motorhome.

At home, we pack the car with everything we need for the winter camping week and drive to the Bossard and Humm GmbH garage in Zofingen. There we take over the Rhön Camp "The Force" for a week. Peter Humm, the manager, shows us all the important details of the "gas-free" motorhome.
We have a reservation for the first night at Camping Seeweid in Schwarzsee. We left Zofingen very late and it was soon dark. On the way to the campsite we were stopped at a roadblock and told to take a different route (we were told to look at Google Maps). Unfortunately, the Mercedes Benz navigation system kept taking us back to the same place. Finally we gave up and looked for another campsite nearby. We found one near Düdingen and set up at the Schiffenensee campsite. We were the only day tourists, plugged in the power, ate and drank something and then went to bed. At 2:30 a.m. we were woken up by a shrill alarm. The battery in the body was empty and we had no heating! We had no gas, so we went back under the warm blanket and slept until morning.
We have a reservation for the first night at Camping Seeweid in Schwarzsee. We left Zofingen very late and it was soon dark. On the way to the campsite we were stopped at a roadblock and told to take a different route (we were told to look at Google Maps). Unfortunately, the Mercedes Benz navigation system kept taking us back to the same place. Finally we gave up and looked for another campsite nearby. We found one near Düdingen and set up at the Schiffenensee campsite. We were the only day tourists, plugged in the power, ate and drank something and then went to bed. At 2:30 a.m. we were woken up by a shrill alarm. The battery in the body was empty and we had no heating! We had no gas, so we went back under the warm blanket and slept until morning.
It is a very cold awakening and we leave the Schiffenensee campsite without wasting any time. A hot coffee and fresh croissants are waiting for us at the motorway service station. So, now we are warm again. Our next destination is the Camping des Horizons Bleus in Villeneuve on Lake Geneva.
It is a very cold awakening and we leave the Schiffenensee campsite without wasting any time. A hot coffee and fresh croissants are waiting for us at the motorway service station. So, now we are warm again. Our next destination is the Camping des Horizons Bleus in Villeneuve on Lake Geneva.
We spend two nights at the Camping des Horizons Bleus in Villeneuve on Lake Geneva. The site is well occupied. The famous "Marché Noël" is in Montreux and many exhibitors from France stay here. We visit our friends in Montreux and enjoy the warm winter sun. The power keeps going out and I have to set the input voltage back to 3 amps. It's good that this works.

We spend two nights at the Camping des Horizons Bleus in Villeneuve on Lake Geneva. The site is well occupied. The famous "Marché Noël" is in Montreux and many exhibitors from France stay here. We visit our friends in Montreux and enjoy the warm winter sun. The power keeps going out and I have to set the input voltage back to 3 amps. It's good that this works.
Before we continue our journey at the campsite in Villeneuve, the next surprise awaits us. The vehicle won't start. The groundskeeper brings a battery charger, but it turns out to be too weak. A friendly neighbor helps us out and drives his BMW into position to jump-start the vehicle. The vehicle battery was used up by the heating of the water pump, even though we were connected to shore power!
The journey to Château-d'Oex takes us from Aigle over the "Col des Mosses" pass, which is open all year round. We eat and drink something outside the campsite in Château-d'Oex. The campsite seems deserted and we decide to drive on straight away. It's not far to Zweisimmen, our next destination.
We soon arrive at the Vermeille campsite in Zweisimmen and set up camp for the next few nights. Here we can get 10 amps of electricity from a single connection, very good!
Before we continue our journey at the campsite in Villeneuve, the next surprise awaits us. The vehicle won't start. The groundskeeper brings a battery charger, but it turns out to be too weak. A friendly neighbor helps us out and drives his BMW into position to jump-start the vehicle. The vehicle battery was used up by the heating of the water pump, even though we were connected to shore power!
The journey to Château-d'Oex takes us from Aigle over the "Col des Mosses" pass, which is open all year round. We eat and drink something outside the campsite in Château-d'Oex. The campsite seems deserted and we decide to drive on straight away. It's not far to Zweisimmen, our next destination.
We soon arrive at the Vermeille campsite in Zweisimmen and set up camp for the next few nights. Here we can get 10 amps of electricity from a single connection, very good!
We go on excursions with our friends from the neighboring Fankhauser campsite, where they have a permanent caravan with an awning. A beautiful winter hike takes us from Zweisimmen to Lenk.
Before we drive home on Sunday, we are faced with the same problem: the vehicle battery has run out of power. Luckily, our friends are still there and can help us bridge the gap with their Skoda.
The journey home is problem-free. At home, we unload and sleep in our own bed.

We go on excursions with our friends from the neighboring Fankhauser campsite, where they have a permanent caravan with an awning. A beautiful winter hike takes us from Zweisimmen to Lenk.
Before we drive home on Sunday, we are faced with the same problem: the vehicle battery has run out of power. Luckily, our friends are still there and can help us bridge the gap with their Skoda.
The journey home is problem-free. At home, we unload and sleep in our own bed.
In the afternoon we bring the Rhön Camp "The Force" back to Zofingen. It turns out that not everything is wired correctly. If there is shore power, this should also charge the vehicle battery, which did not happen.
Conclusion: Having gas makes sense, especially when the power is out! The brakes on the Mercedes (length 6m) are very hard. Driving is rough and the driving noises inside are loud. We would also prefer more space. We will next rent a 6.4 m long "Tourne Mobil" from Garage Bossard & Humm GmbH in January.
In the afternoon we bring the Rhön Camp "The Force" back to Zofingen. It turns out that not everything is wired correctly. If there is shore power, this should also charge the vehicle battery, which did not happen.
Conclusion: Having gas makes sense, especially when the power is out! The brakes on the Mercedes (length 6m) are very hard. Driving is rough and the driving noises inside are loud. We would also prefer more space. We will next rent a 6.4 m long "Tourne Mobil" from Garage Bossard & Humm GmbH in January.
Comments (1)
Comments from Freeontour users
Liebe Wintercamper,
eine schöner kurzweiliger Reisebericht.
Angesprochen durch den Begriff "gasfrei" habe ich euren Bericht doch sofort gelesen. Ja - die erlebten Temperaturen waren wohl etwas rustikal.
Da wir mit unserem WoMo die Gasfreiheit auch anstreben und natürlich das Problem bei niedrigen Temperaturen kennen, hatte ich darauf getippt, dass eine Dieselheizung verbaut wäre. Oder wie war da das Heizen ohne Netzanschluss vorgesehen. Bordstrom schafft das bei Kälte und bedecktem Himmel (kein Solarertrag) ja nicht.
Viele Grüße von Hugo