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Holland and Friesland

Holland and Friesland

In mid-June 2021 we πŸ™‹ β™€οΈπŸ™‹ ♂️ went on a little summer road trip in the πŸšπŸ’¨ box van to the πŸ‡³πŸ‡± Kingdom of the Netherlands. In total it was 1,043 KM in 10 days. Our journey begins at the Delftse Hout in the province of South Holland, a recreational area near Delf. In Delft we went along the ceramics route past sights such as the Prinsenhof art museum. In Delft we went along the ceramics route past the sights to the art museum Prinsenhof. We continue our road trip along the coast, drive to the spa town of Scheveningen and Leiden. We sail the Houtribdeich and the Afsluitdijk, passing the IJsselmeer and Markermeer. We stop for one night in Hoorn and Lelystad. We make the last stop on our journey in Groningen, where we visit the well-known art museum. You can also find our travel report on our πŸŽ₯ YouTube channel (https://tinyurl.com/ErstmalDurchEuropa).

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263 Kilometres
8 Days
14 Waypoints
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Day 1
Delftse Hout
Korftlaan 5, 2616 LJ, Delft, Netherlands
We start our road trip through our neighboring country at Naturcamping Delftste Hout in South Holland πŸšπŸŒ¬πŸ‡³πŸ‡± You can cycle to the city center with its beautiful canals and museums, take a boat tour and walk the ceramics route to the Delft blue production site πŸš²β›΅οΈπŸ• This one Campsite is surrounded by green nature and around us are lakes that can be explored by bike. The sanitary facilities are new and very comfortable. The bistro sells little things and a food truck visits the campsite once a week. You stand surrounded by greenery and we enjoy this beautiful oasis.

Day 2
Delftse Hout
Korftlaan 5, 2616 LJ, Delft, Netherlands
We start our road trip through our neighboring country at Naturcamping Delftste Hout in South Holland πŸšπŸŒ¬πŸ‡³πŸ‡± You can cycle to the city center with its beautiful canals and museums, take a boat tour and walk the ceramics route to the Delft blue production site πŸš²β›΅οΈπŸ• This one Campsite is surrounded by green nature and around us are lakes that can be explored by bike. The sanitary facilities are new and very comfortable. There are little things in the bistro and a food truck visits the campsite once a week. You stand surrounded by greenery and we enjoy this beautiful oasis.

KΓΆniglich Blau und Vermeer
This very beautiful little town has a lot to offer, whether with the Prinsenhof, the art museum known beyond the country's borders, the Vermeer Center, which is well worth seeing and dedicated to the artist of the same name, or the many city tours, such as the ceramics route, which can be walked or cycled thematically along the production line lead by Delft Blue. The canals with their floating terraces invite you to refreshments and culinary adventures, the kitchen in South Holland is fresh and cheeky.

Day 3
Kurbad Scheveningen
The largest seaside resort in the Netherlands belongs to the city of The Hague and is not far from this, only about 6 km away. This place with its well-known pier can be reached quickly and easily by bike. During the day it is still tranquil, in the evening it becomes colourful. The right offers can be found here for all activities, whether sunbathing, surfing or bungee jumping.

Delftse Hout
Korftlaan 5, 2616 LJ, Delft, Netherlands
We start our road trip through our neighboring country at Naturcamping Delftste Hout in South Holland πŸšπŸŒ¬πŸ‡³πŸ‡± You can cycle to the city center with its beautiful canals and museums, take a boat tour and walk the ceramics route to the Delft blue production site πŸš²β›΅οΈπŸ• This one Campsite is surrounded by green nature and around us are lakes that can be explored by bike. The sanitary facilities are new and very comfortable. There are little things in the bistro and a food truck visits the campsite once a week. You stand surrounded by greenery and we enjoy this beautiful oasis.

Day 4
Camping Vlietland
Rietpolderweg 11, 2266 BM, Leidschendam, Netherlands
This beautiful place is not far from Delft and The Hague, invites you to swim and linger at an artificial lake. We rent a pedal boat and refresh ourselves on the water. You can cycle to beautiful little Leiden with the country's oldest university.

Alte Meister, alte UniversitΓ€t
The birthplace of Rembrandt houses the art museum, a collection of old masters and the university, which is also the oldest in the country, where the current king, Willem-Alexander, once studied. The best way to explore Leiden is with a canal cruise.

Day 5
Camping Vlietland
Rietpolderweg 11, 2266 BM, Leidschendam, Netherlands
This beautiful place is not far from Delft and The Hague, invites you to swim and linger at an artificial lake. We rent a pedal boat and refresh ourselves on the water. You can cycle to beautiful little Leiden with the country's oldest university.

Day 6
Camping 't Oppertje
Uilenweg 11, 8245 AB, Lelystad, Netherlands
Advertising rarely keeps what it promises: "Experience peace, nature and your own adventure in the National Park 'Nieuw Land' - an insider tip in the Netherlands" pretty much hits the nail on the head. This campsite is criss-crossed by a small canal, which ducks swim past, occasionally greeting guests on a shore leave. This break should have lasted weeks for us...

Ostindien am Markermeer
A visit to idyllic Hoorn on the Markermeer with its historic harbor and sailing ships should be a must. This small town invites you to linger for a few hours. Historically, Hoorn was once a very important international port, so the East India Company had one of their headquarters here in the 17th century. The architecture, which is still rich today, also suggests this.

Day 7
Fahrt ΓΌber den Abschlussdeich und entlang des IJsselmeers
The Afsluitdijk separates Holland from Friesland and was the most important land reclamation structure of the 20th century. This could already be completed in 1932. This created the largest inland body of water in the Netherlands, the IJsselmeer. On our drive we can make a photo stop in the middle.

Camping Stadspark Groningen
Campinglaan 6, 9727 KH, Groningen, Netherlands
The name lives up to what it promises: this campsite is located in the city park on the outskirts of Groningen city centre, which can be easily reached in just 20 minutes by bike. As is typical for the Netherlands, there are no pitches and you stand in the midst of lush greenery on this idyllically laid out campsite with winding paths.

Day 8
Camping Stadspark Groningen
Campinglaan 6, 9727 KH, Groningen, Netherlands
The name lives up to what it promises: this campsite is located in the city park on the outskirts of Groningen city centre, which can be easily reached in just 20 minutes by bike. As is typical for the Netherlands, there are no pitches and you stand in the midst of lush greenery on this idyllically laid out campsite with winding paths.

Kunsthistorie und Neue Meister
One of the most famous art museums in Europe can be found in Groningen. In addition to exhibits ranging from old masters to modern designers, there is a lot on offer for visitors. Even the architecture of this building, which was built on an island, is a masterpiece in sky blue and yellow created by well-known designers De Lucchi, Philippe Starck and Coop.
Day 1
Delftse Hout
Korftlaan 5, 2616 LJ, Delft, Netherlands
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Day 2
Delftse Hout
Korftlaan 5, 2616 LJ, Delft, Netherlands
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KΓΆniglich Blau und Vermeer
Dieses sehr schâne StÀdtchen hat eine Menge zu bieten, egal ob mit dem Prinsenhof, dem über die Landesgrenzen bekannten Kunstmuseum, dem sehenswerten und dem gleichnamigen Künstler gewidmete Vermeerzentrum oder die vielen StÀdtetouren, wie der Keramikroute, die zu Fuß oder per Rad thematisch entlang der Produktion von Delfter Blau führen. Die Grachten mit ihren schwimmenden Terrassen laden zu Erfrischungen und kulinarischen Abenteuern ein, die Küche in Südholland ist frisch und frech.
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Day 3
Kurbad Scheveningen
Das grâßte Seebad der Niederlande gehârt zur Stadt Den Haag und liegt unweit dieser nur etwa 6 km weit entfernt. Mit dem Rad lÀsst sich dieser Ort mit seinem bekannten Pier schnell und bequem erreichen. Am Tag ist es noch beschaulich, am Abend wird es bunt. Für wirklich alle AktivitÀten finden sich hier die richtigen Angebote, egal ob Sonnenbaden, Surfen oder Bungee Jumping.
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Delftse Hout
Korftlaan 5, 2616 LJ, Delft, Netherlands
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Day 4
22,9 km 20 min.
Camping Vlietland
Rietpolderweg 11, 2266 BM, Leidschendam, Netherlands
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Alte Meister, alte UniversitΓ€t
Die Geburtsstadt von Rembrandt beherbergt mit dem Kunstmuseum eine Sammlung der Alten Meister und mit der UniversitΓ€t zugleich die Γ€lteste des Landes, in dieser auch der derzeitige KΓΆnig, Willem-Alexander, einst studierte. Mit einer Grachtenfahrt lΓ€sst sich Leiden am besten aus erkunden.
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Day 5
Camping Vlietland
Rietpolderweg 11, 2266 BM, Leidschendam, Netherlands
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Day 6
103,1 km 1 hrs. 11 min.
Camping 't Oppertje
Uilenweg 11, 8245 AB, Lelystad, Netherlands
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Ostindien am Markermeer
Ein Besuch im idyllischen Hoorn am Markermeer mit seinem historischen Hafen und Segelschiffen sollte zum Pflichtprogramm gehâren. Dieses kleine StÀdtchen lÀdt für ein paar Stunden zum Verweilen ein. Historisch war Hoorn einst ein internationaler sehr bedeutender Hafen, so hatte die Ostindien-Kompanie hier im 17. Jahrhundert einen ihrer Sitze. Die noch heute reichhaltige Architektur lÀsst ebenfalls hierauf schließen.
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Day 7
Fahrt ΓΌber den Abschlussdeich und entlang des IJsselmeers
Der Abschlussdeich trennt Holland von Friesland und war das wichtigste Bauwerk zur Landgewinnung im 20. Jahrhundert. Dieser konnte bereits 1932 fertiggestellt werden. Hierdurch entstand mit dem IJsselmeer das grâßte BinnengewΓ€sser der Niederlande. Auf unserer Fahrt kΓΆnnen wir in der Mitte einen Photostopp einlegen.
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137,1 km 1 hrs. 24 min.
Camping Stadspark Groningen
Campinglaan 6, 9727 KH, Groningen, Netherlands
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Day 8
Camping Stadspark Groningen
Campinglaan 6, 9727 KH, Groningen, Netherlands
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Kunsthistorie und Neue Meister
Eines der bekanntesten Kunstmuseen in Europa ist in Groningen zu finden. Nebst den Ausstellungsobjekten von Alten Meistern bis zu neuzeitlichen Designern wird den Besuchern einiges geboten. Dabei ist selbst die Architektur dieses GebΓ€udes, welches auf einer Insel errichtet wurde, ein von bekannten Designern De Lucchi, Philippe Starck und Coop geschaffenes Meisterwerk in Himmelblau und Gelb.
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200 km

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