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Wohnmobilpark Xanten
No information available
Paid parking space for 80 campers. Slightly inclined ground of gravel turf. Transport of wheel chocks is recommended. Reception with extensive information material, covered barbecue area, heated conservatory. Bread service. Short distance to supermarket, pedestrian zone in the historic city center, Xantener North and South Seas and Rhine. Reservations and club meetings possible by appointment. Available all year round.
2 adults per night
Location & contact
Fürstenberg 6 , 46509
Phone number: 0176/10058370
On the web: Go to website
Reviews (1)
Reviews by users of Freeontour & camping.info

Super ordentlicher Platz mit allem, was das Herz begehrt:
- super freundliches Personal
- 1a neue Sanitäranlage
- Wellnessangebot
- großzügige Parzellen z.T. mit Pavillon und Grillplatz
- Restaurant / Außenterrasse
- Wasser, Strom, Grauwasserentsorgung, Entsorgung Chemietoilette ...
- Stadtmitte in wenigen Minuten zu Fuß erreichbar
2 adults per night